AMD Leaves Room for Polaris in M400 Lineup

AMD Leaves Room for Polaris in M400 Lineup

Every year it seems we get more rebrands, whether it be from AMD or Nvidia. While we would all like to see new products, these rebrands do fill an important role in the lineup, most notably for budget GPUs. After a year since the Radeon M300 series launched, AMD has started to unveil their M400 lineup with a bunch of rebrands. This makes a lot of sense given they want to save the Polariss launch for the big stage at Computex.

There is a potential for these cards to be Polaris but that is unlikely given that there are some gaps where Polaris would be a perfect fit. First off we have the R9 M485X which is basically Tonga and the R9 M470/470X which is Bonaire. This leaves the R9 M490/490X and R9 M480/480X spots unfilled. From what we know about Polaris 10 and 11, the two new cards would be perfect fits for those roles respectively, slotting in with the expected performance.

Moving down the line, we the relatively less interesting M46x cards which present a unified lineup, leaving no gaps for Polaris. All of the parts are using GCN 1.1(2.0) or 1.2(3.0). For those of you looking to get an mGPU, the best choices would probably be the new Polaris ones once they arrive due to the lower power consumption and improved efficiency. We will bring you the latest information as soon as AMD updates.


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