Is Samsung Really Making a Galaxy Surfboard?

Is Samsung Really Making a Galaxy Surfboard?

When it comes to adding connectivity to normally mundane items, it seems like very little is off-limits, from fridges to juice makers, companies are vying to release the next “smart” device that will be a hit with consumers. Samsung’s latest advertisement for a smart device seems to be something that would belong on April Fools Day, which at this point is long gone: An internet connected Galaxy Surfboard.

Courtesy of Samsung Brazil, an advertisement has been released starring Brazillian surfer Gabriel Medina making use of a Samsung Galaxy Surfboard for both messages and surfing. At a glance, the Galaxy Surfboard looks just like any other high-quality surfboard, however, it also includes a large LED screen which is powered by a Galaxy S7 smartphone stored safely in the body of the board. In the advert, Medina surfs alone in gloomy conditions and is delivered encouraging messages via the board as he surfs.

A surfboard capable of delivering messages may seem a bit pointless, but the Galaxy Surfboard also contains a number of perhaps more useful features including a live feed of sea conditions, wind direction and wave quality, all delivered directly to the display. It may even help beginner surfers begin to find their legs by displaying advice and instructions for them to follow. These features may be legitimate uses of a “smart” surfboard, but until this is proven to be a real commercial product perhaps we should start to consider when the craze of adding connectivity to devices has gone too far.


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