Microsoft is Automatically Scheduling Windows 10 Update

Microsoft is Automatically Scheduling Windows 10 Update

Microsoft’s free Windows 10 upgrade promotion has been a resounding success and resulted in the fastest Windows adoption rate on record. However, this has come at the expense of the company’s reputation among some loyal Windows users who dislike the notion of being pestered to upgrade. Many consumers are content with their current operating system or feel sceptical about Windows 10 after reading negative headlines about privacy. Annoyingly, the “Get Windows 10” app constantly runs in the Windows Tray and is an obnoxious method of encouraging people to upgrade. There have even been cases when PCs automatically updated themselves to Windows 10 but I haven’t personally seen this myself. Of course, the free upgrade ends relatively soon and Microsoft is returning to the traditional paid strategy.

According to Tom’s Hardware, Microsoft is automatically setting a date to install Windows 10 without your permission. Thankfully, you can change the upgrade schedule or cancel it, but most users will probably be completely unaware and find their system suddenly rebooting to run the operating system update. Once again, this is a very disappointing turn of events and Microsoft’s obsession to make people upgrade is negatively impacting on people’s perceptions of the company. Thankfully, this nonsense will end fairly soon and people can enjoy using their current operating system without being hassled.

Microsoft is Automatically Scheduling Windows 10 Update 1

Have you upgraded to Windows 10? Let’s us know your thoughts about Microsoft’s operating system and the upgrade process in the comments section below. Personally, I find the notion of updates being automatically installed a nightmare, but at least you can disable this feature.


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