5G Networks Being Held Ransom by Major Telecoms Companies

5G Networks Being Held Ransom by Major Telecoms Companies

When it comes to mobile networks, we’ve started to enjoy faster and faster networks offering more than just the text messages and phone calls of old. From the 3G networks that first gave us a taste of the internet on the go to the full movies 4G networks give us, what could 5G networks bring us? We might not find out courtesy of several companies holding 5G ransom in exchange for a change in net neutrality rules.

Listed in the “5G manifesto” (found here), large groups such as Nokia, Vodafone, and BT have stated that they would like to roll out the technology across countries over the next few years, all they ask is that countries create the “right regulatory environment”. The manifesto reads:

“The EU must reconcile the need for open Internet with pragmatic rules that foster innovation”

“The telecom industry warns that current net neutrality guidelines, as put forward by BEREC [the Body of European Regulators], create significant uncertainties around 5G return on investment. Investments are therefore likely to be delayed unless regulators take a positive stance on innovation and stick to it.”

The bottom line is that unless European countries address the holes in current regulation companies are suggesting they won’t be incentivised to roll out the faster networks as per their 5G Action plan, showing off the benefits of a faster mobile network through public safety, health, and even smart cities.


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