How Good is Beer Brewed By AI?

How Good is Beer Brewed By AI?

When it comes to a good beer, they are few and far between. Many people have different tastes and opinions about what makes a good beer, this includes the people who make the beers. In order to perfect their recipes, one company in the UK is looking at using AI to perfect their beer brewing process.

IntelligentX Brewing Agency is a combination of efforts from both creative agency 10x and machine learning company Intelligent Layer. The new system is a Facebook messenger bot that’s designed to ask questions which range from yes and no queries to multiple choice responses and scales between 1 to 10.

The idea is that analysis of these results will help find the perfect balance of taste and preference to make the final product better over time. Since they were first brewed IntelligentX states that its beers ( titled Golden, Amber, Pale and Black) have already seen change courtesy of the AI’s results around 11 times already.

The beers are currently available at Ubrew in London if you feel like giving them a try. With AI improving beers and drones serving them, how long will it be before you can print off a beer at home courtesy of a drinks printer?


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