Oculus Chief The Latest Victim Of Social Media Hacks

Oculus Chief The Latest Victim Of Social Media Hacks

Recently there has been a number of high profile people within the technology industry who have had their passwords and logins exposed as their social media have been breached. With the face of Facebook, Mark Zuckerburg, social media profiles having his passwords exposed, it would now seem that the boss of Oculus has had his social media hacked.

The hack took place on Brendan Iribe’s twitter account and follows on not just from Zuckerburg but also Sundar Pichai (Google), Travis Kalanick (Uber) and twitters very own Dick Costolo.

The online group that claimed responsibility for many of these hacks, OurMine does not appear to be responsible for the hack on Iribe’s account as the hacker announced themselves as the “new CEO” of Oculus. The hacker then questioned Iribe’s use of a four-year-old password, later revealing the source of the password as a MySpace breach to Tech Crunch.

The group, OurMine, is reported to shift through large data breaches such as those experienced by MySpace or LinkedIn, relying on users who have not updated (or reuse) their passwords on several sites. OurMine isn’t just about hacking accounts, they have also offered (through some of their hacks) the ability to hire them to scan the security of a social media account (at a cost).

In order to prevent this from happening to you we recommend three steps:
Use two-factor authentication where you can
Use different passwords for different accounts
If you find it hard to remember passwords use a password management system to generate and keep track of your passwords


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