Why Not Grow A Drone?

Why Not Grow A Drone?

When it comes to new technology the public wants to get its hand on the technology while the military often wants to advance it over and over again. For now, the military doesn’t just want to advance and increase drone technology, instead, its looking into ways to grow drones!

While it seems like something you might see in a movie, the military is looking at the creating drones which would be grown in tanks. The idea comes from BAE Systems and its being lead by Prof Lee Cronin at Glasgow University. The concept comes from the same idea as a 3D printer but instead of printing your drone the “chemputer” would grow small devices such as drones.

The hope is that the chemputer could help grow a drone in a matter of weeks, cutting down the month long production period to a fraction of the time. While companies are looking at 3D printers to help everything from Navy aircraft carriers to the international space station, can you imagine being able to clue in the blueprints for a device and then to watch it grow over the course of a week?

While a difficult idea to bring to live, the hope is that one day in the far future this could could bring to life anything and everything you imagine.


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