IBM Says The State of Network Security is Abysmal

IBM Says The State of Network Security is Abysmal

The state of online security is a new layer of security for IBM 2017 IBM threat X-Force Intelligence Index. Cybercriminals are beginning to pick up unstructured data, junk mail rebloomed 400%, and ransomware is crazy.

With the increase in the magnitude of the number of connected devices available with endless pressure on companies to launch new innovative products faster than the competition, security seems to be overlooked. The number of committed records grew to a record 566% in 2016, from 600 million the previous year to more than 4 billion. One of the more here was the Yahoo default that leaked and compromised more than 1.5 billion records. Many of the 2016 violations associated with unstructured data, such as email files, business documents, intellectual property, and source code.

Ransomware also had a good year in 2016, if you can call it that. In the first three months, the FBI estimates that cybercriminals were paid $ 209 million for ransomware. If this continues throughout the year, we have figures of about $ 1 billion last year.

Both financial services and health care were the main targets in 2016, just as in previous years, but health was affected in smaller goals at this time.

"With Internet routing-distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacking, troves records leaked through data breaches, and a renewed focus on cyber-crime business objectives organized in 2016 was a decisive year for the In fact, in 2016, more than 4 billion records were leaked, more than the combined total of the two previous years, redefining the meaning of the term "mega infringement." More than 1.5, in one case , A single source leaked billions of records, "wrote IBM.

"While the volume of committed records reached record highs last year, we see this shift to unstructured data as a crucial moment." The value of structured data for cybercriminals begins as supply outstrips demand. Unstructured is the biggest hunt for hackers and we expect it to make economic gains this year in new ways, "said Caleb Barlow, vice president of threat research, IBM Security.

The IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index has elicited responses from more than 8,000 security clients in 100 countries and non-customer asset data such as spam sensors and network trap network 2016 IBM X-Force runs covered All over the world and more monitors eight million spam and phishing attacks per day while analyzing over 37 billion web pages and images.


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