Dalai Lama App Launches On Apple Store Giving Out Free Philosophical Advice

Dalai Lama App

Are you feeling lost? Without purpose? Considering your value in this plane of existence? Then the Dalai Lama app might be just for you!

The Dalai Lama, for those unaware, is the living incarnation of the Buddha. At 82-years of age now, he has spent his life sharing his wisdom and teachings. Just because he is old though, don’t think that he is ignorant of technology.

He generally supports it, although, in a report via the Independent, he does think we have to be careful: “Without technology, humanity has no future. But we have to be careful that we don’t become so mechanized that we lose our human feelings. Whether technology’s effect is good or bad depends on the user. It’s important that we shouldn’t be slaves to technology; it should help us.”

As such, via his own Twitter account today, which incidentally has over 16 million followers, the Dalai Lama has announced the release of his own app for Apple users.

Offering sound philosophical advice

At this point, you might be wondering what a Dalai Lama app might do exactly. Well, the app promises you news, photos, and videos related to the man. In addition, it will also display his teachings, live video streams, and schedule of upcoming events.

Sadly, in a report via the Independent, Android users are not yet available to sample this app of wisdom. Maybe one day, but not today.

Given his views on Tibetan independence, China has already blocked the sale of the app. They clearly don’t need his philosophy since they have one of their own. Admittedly Chinese philosophy (other than Confucious) is more enforced rather than practiced.

What do you think? Are you going to download the Dalai Lama app? Need a dose of spiritual goodness? – Let us know in the comments!


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