Sex Toy Created To Operate Based On Crypto Currencies Performance

Sex Toy For Crypto Currency Fans

It’s certainly been a rollercoaster month for crypto currencies. Particularly those who follow Bitcoin which has seen rises, falls and rises again. A sex toy manufacturer, however, has decided that those rises or falls should be put to good use. In a new product they beg to ask the question – Is that a Bitcoin in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?

In a report via Metro, an ‘adult entertainment’ company, called ‘CamSoda’ is releasing a new sex toy. The toy will have wireless capability. While this in itself isn’t too new, what this new sex toy will do, however, is enable you to set to whichever crypto currency takes your fancy.

Following this, the toy will perform based on how well or badly it is doing. Making or losing money may never have been more fun.

Dare I read on?

Firstly, if you think this is weird, yes it is. It is, however, a drop in the ocean compared to some of the weird things we have reported this year. It is a strange old world. That being said, aside from someone recently accusing me (I think legitimately) of treason, this is, without a doubt one of the strangest things I have read in recent weeks. Not perhaps though, the strangest I’ve read all year.

The company is promising to release this technology for all of their *ahem* ‘products’ and their ‘performance’ will be based on how you are financially doing.

Therefore, if your Ethereum plummets by 500%, at least you’ll feel a little bit good about it. Contrastly, with Bitcoin growing by nearly 3000% this year, utilizing any of the toys would certainly have made 2017 a much more fun year.

What do you think? Ridiculous or are you already looking to order one? – Let us know in the comments!


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