Elon Musk’s Flamethrower Exists and You Can Preorder


When you think of Elon Musk, what comes to mind? Tesla? His rocket program? Certainly one of his lesser-known ventures is his Boring Company. There’s no reason why you should know about it specifically, compared to his other ventures the company is far less interesting. What is interesting, however, is a promise Elon Musk made.

In 2017, as a promotion for the company, Elon Musk said that if he sold 50,000 Boring Company hats, he would release his flamethrower.

Elon Musk

Despite hints to the project, and even images being released. People had serious doubts if the flamethrower actually existed. I mean, it’s certainly something a bit out there.

In a report we did a few days ago, the company actually launched a webpage for the product, however, users had to crack a password to access it. Well, the password is now down and the website is live!

Still don’t believe it? Well, Elon Musk has himself revealed in a video that not only does it exist, but it also works!

Has it been released?

Well, it may not necessarily have been released, but in the short video below, it does exist and it does work!

For a long time, people thought it was just a joke. Elon Musk is known to be a big fan of the movie ‘Spaceballs’ which has its own comical flamethrower. Many thought he was just paying homage to it.

The video, however, kills off all speculation. It’s real.

Can I buy one?

Short answer, I don’t know. For a time the flamethrower was advertised for the price of $600. The most recent listing, however, has it available for pre-order at $500. The bottom line, however, is that I doubt Elon Musk, despite his brilliance, has a license to sell weapons, even novelty ones.

There may, of course, be a loophole here. You can, after all, easily purchase a blowtorch or propane operated flame device.

If you want to pre-order yours, you can visit the website by clicking here.

What do you think? Going to preorder? – Let us know in the comments!


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