Scientists create drug that kills breast cancer cells

Scientists create drug that kills breast cancer cells

American scientists have developed a nanologic drug that directly affects aggressive breast cancer cells, killing them without side effects. Study results Published in the journal Advanced Therapeutics.
Scientists from the University Arkansas Led by Hassan Beyzavi, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, claims that the substance is effective against the most aggressive and deadly malignant breast tumor - three times negative breast cancer.
It does not contain any of the three types of receptor proteins - estrogen, progesterone and epidermal growth factor of the second type of person. This means that it cannot be treated with receptor-oriented therapy. Chemotherapy does not always help, as this cancer quickly forms metastases throughout the body and most often requires surgery.
In its chemical structure, the drug belongs to a new class of nanomaterials, called metal-organic frames with ligands. Ligands are molecules associated with other molecules through donor-acceptance interaction.
The drug is intended for targeted delivery of drugs during photodynamic therapy. Beisavi's laboratory has been developing photodynamic therapy (FDT) methods for several years as a safer alternative to chemotherapy and surgery.

The method is based on a non-invasive approach based on the action of substances-photosensitizers. When exposed to light, they generate active forms of oxygen that kill cancer cells without creating toxicity for normal cells. This method has significantly fewer side effects compared to chemotherapy.

The nanoporous metal-organ frame created by scientists, specifically aimed at tumor cells, significantly increases the effectiveness of FDT.
The researchers also explored options for a complex application of a new system of delivery of drugs with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorescent tomography, which can track the movement of the drug in the body and monitor the course of treatment.
The authors believe that the method they created will allow to refuse chemotherapy, which today 80 percent of patients with this type of breast cancer undergo. The therapy uses highly toxic drugs - anthracycline and doxorubicin, which has a very negative effect on the heart and has many other serious side effects.


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