MicroBT to release new generation of bitcoin miners by end of 2020

MicroBT to release new generation of bitcoin miners by end of 2020

This year, a trial batch of devices for the first cryptocurrency mining will be presented. Major sales to begin in early 2021

By the end of this year, the Chinese company MicroBT will introduce a new generation of bitcoin miners Whatsminer, said journalist Colin Wu. He said that the M50S devices will use 8-nanometer Chips Samsung, and the energy efficiency of the equipment will be about 30 J/TH.

A trial batch of new miners will be released this year. Major sales start in early 2021. Delivery is scheduled for the middle of next year. At the moment, prices have not been announced, but it is assumed that they will be higher than that of the Whatsminer M30S model (about 210,000 rubles). Its updated version can be presented before the company's presentation.

Earlier, Bitmain co-founder Mikri Chang announced the start of sales of the world's first devices based on 5-nm chips for cryptocurrency mining. There is a conflict in the company's management, so after the announcement of Chang, another head of the company Jihan Wu said that the chips are still at the design stage and will not be available on the market in the short term.


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