The bitcoin rate fell by 10% and fell below $ 38 thousand.

The bitcoin rate fell by 10% and fell below $ 38 thousand.

The first cryptocurrency continues to become cheaper. Since the November maximum of $ 69 thousand, the price of bitcoin has fallen by 45%

On Friday, January 21, the bitcoin rate collapsed, compared to yesterday, by 10%, at the moment dropping to $ 37.7 thousand As of 15:47 Moscow time, the first cryptocurrency is traded at $ 38.2 thousand.

The price of bitcoin began to decline sharply on the evening of January 20 after its rate exceeded $ 43.5 thousand The cryptocurrency updated the minimum from August 5, 2021.

Altcoins suffered even more. For example, the price of Ethereum over the past 24 hours fell by 12%, to $ 2.7 thousand, the rate of Binance Coin - by 11%, to $ 413, and the cost of Solana fell by 15%, to $ 116.

The total capitalization of the crypto market for the day decreased by 10%, to $ 1.9 trillion. Traders lost over $900 million as a result of forced closing of margin positions. In total, 237.5 thousand users of crypto-exchanges suffered a loss, according to Coinglass.

Yesterday's decline in the cryptocurrency market could begin after the decline in the S&P 500 index, which, according to the results of the trading session, fell by 1%. Earlier, the analytical company Arcane Research reported that the correlation of the bitcoin rate and the S&P 500 index reached a record high since October 2020.

On Thursday, January 20, the Bank of Russia released a report for public discussion, in which it proposed to ban the issue, circulation and exchange of cryptocurrencies in the country, as well as the organization of these operations. The regulator also considers it necessary to ban the mining of digital assets and begin to monitor the investments of Russians in cryptocurrency on foreign trading platforms.

Before the publication of the report of the Central Bank, Bloomberg, citing two informed sources, reported that the head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina agreed to support a complete ban on cryptocurrencies in the country under the influence of the Federal Security Service. According to sources, the FSB insists on a complete ban on cryptocurrencies in Russia in order to exclude the possibility of accepting donations by undesirable organizations and media that have been included in the register of foreign agents. The Central Bank denied this statement and reported that the regulator initially took a skeptical position regarding cryptocurrencies.


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